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The Path...

...is a simple one.

You didn't have to be early, there's no luck involved, the simple cheat code is...

(ac)counting and saving in Bitcoin.

If you work hard and save as much as possible using this new tool, financial freedom is much closer than ever imagined.

You won't 'figure it out' in a few hours (or even days). That's especially true if you don't have any and you've never interacted with the system.

Your best bet to begin this journey is to buy a little bit, then you'll have an incentive to learn more. As you learn more, and become more comfortable, buy more. Repeat ♻️

I would be happy to help you along "The Path"

This first question you have to ask yourself to understand bitcoin... What is Money?

I like to think of "money" not as US Dollars, but as stored human time and energy in an abstracted form. So money=(time+energy)

Bitcoin is an accountability and relativity machine, there is no such thing as early or late when it comes to using this tool.

It has/will protect the 'energy' I stored in it last year, in the exact same way it has protected the 'energy' I stored in it 5 years ago.


You can ignore Bitcoin, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring Bitcoin. 😬

Email [email protected] if you'd like to coordinate a conversation.

If you found this helpful, and you already have real money, send me some!

.::loads slowly, tor connection::.